Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goodby to 2013 and Fifty Pounds!

As 2013 came to an end, I, like so many others, spent time reflecting on the year now gone forever.
Obviously goals were set with few accomplished. The best thing about New Years, is a new chance. I was blessed with so many wonderful things, I couldn't possibly mention them all today. Let me share a few highlights.

After thirteen long years of trying, I FINALLY lost 50 pounds. 50 POUNDS!!! For once people were asking me for weight loss advice. I stopped drinking gallons of Pepsi and living on a diet that consisted of chocolate. I had to mentally convince myself that I would feel better than anything tasted. The weight came off quickly, but few people noticed. I was quite perplexed that 35 pounds shred from my figure before anyone ever said anything. In my mind I must have been gigantic.  This year I hope to lose another 40 pounds, but realistically would be satisfied with 25.

In February my eldest son, Darnel, turned 15 and got his learners permit. How my parents ever so patiently let me drive, I will never know. Don't get me wrong, Darnel is a fantastic driver. I, however, am a self-admitted control freak! Sitting back and allowing my 15 yr old control of our van was enough to make my blonde streaks grey.

Twice this year we were blessed with sweet Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies. Lila Rose is an incredible mother. After having puppies in the spring, I decided to change her breeding cycle, and rebred her in the fall. I am highly against overbreeding dogs, and this decision came with much prayer and thought. Now Lila Rose will rest her year and be bred only in the fall, always providing Christmas puppies instead of spring puppies.  We are anxiously waiting to see if Bella is pregnant with her first litter. I won't know for another 2 weeks.

Our family made our way back to the beautiful islands of Hawaii for the Polynesian Cultural Centers 50th Anniversary celebration. I was a fantastic 10 days of celebrating with family and friends not seen in over a decade.

This year  I was the proud mother of two of Taylorsville High School Warrior football players finest. Not only did I get to spend time watching my boys play for my alma mater, I was privileged to be the team mother. The blessing of being with so many wonderful teenagers and hopefully influencing their life was more than I had hoped. I look forward to three more years.

Now as I sit typing, country music playing from my laptop, dogs snoozing on the couch without a care in the world, I must end my thoughts and pick up my daughter from school. No matter the goals set and accomplished, as long as I have spent more time with the people I love, found someone to serve, and learned something, I'm complete



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